Find out more about new features and improvements in Fabasoft Approve.
The following new features await you in the correspondence management solution area.
As an administrator you can expect the following new features.
In Fabasoft Approve, the display of the due date icon of a document instance is now handled in the same way as for a document. The administrator can use the "Document Due Date Fulfilling States" field to define criteria for the respective document instance that determine whether the due date icon of a document instance has been met.
For example, if the field contains the status "Submitted", the due date icon "Document is overdue since ..." is no longer displayed for a document instance that has this status.
The administrator can set the criteria as to whether the due date of a document instance has been met under "Dashboard" > "Switch to configuration" > "Settings" > "Details" > Document Due Date Fulfilling States.
In Fabasoft Approve, reminder e-mails are now sent when a document instance is overdue.
The following rules apply to reminder emails:
The setting as to whether or not reminder e-mails are sent can be made both centrally by the administrator and individually by the users themselves under the account menu (your user name) > "Advanced settings" > "Notifications" > "Settings" > "Fabasoft Approve Correspondence" > Document Instance Due Date Reminder.