2024 October Release

OneGov GEVER 2024 September ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in OneGov GEVER.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As an administrator, you can expect the following new features.

Position Numbering in Accordance with "Group-by-three"Permanent link for this heading

With the September 2024 release, OneGov GEVER now supports position numbering according to the "Group-by-three" method. When importing a new filing system, you must select the numbering method.

Interruption of NumberingPermanent link for this heading

In the new Group-by-three numbering, the tens structure can be interrupted, allowing for hundreds or thousands groupings. When this occurs, the interruption is indicated in the file reference by a hyphen (-).

Additional ComponentPermanent link for this heading

With additional components, dossiers can be structured consistently across the entire filing system based on criteria such as customers, products, tasks, etc. This structuring allows information to be found not only in the context of tasks but also by consolidating data, for example, on specific customers, products, or tasks.