2025 February Release

Fabasoft Cloud 2024 November ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in the Fabasoft Cloud.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

Common ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

  • ID Austria can be used for login. To do so, you must create the link to your ID Austria in the account menu (your user name) under “Login and Password” on the “Digital ID” tab.
  • Annotations can be attached directly in the two-part view of documents (e.g. in the course of registration).
  • Solution-specific, when uploading e-mails with attachment a dialog can be displayed that allows the e-mails to be split. The additional option “Original E-Mail and Attachment Separated” is now available, which uploads the original e-mail with attachment and also the attachment separately.
  • The formatting of fields in Microsoft Word can usually be considered when instantiating templates and in the PDF preview if a style is set for the field including the surrounding text after the field has been inserted.
  • & and = are allowed in generated file names and length restrictions have been removed where possible.

Process and Form DesignersPermanent link for this heading

As a process or form designer you can expect the following new feature.

  • The “Import Form” and “Export Form” actions have been replaced by the standard “Upload” and “Download” actions.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As an administrator you can expect the following new features.

Document Exchange via LANPermanent link for this heading

When synchronizing or editing documents, documents can be loaded directly from other workstations via LAN. This can lead to a significant improvement in loading times compared to retrieval via the Internet.

For this purpose, document exchange via LAN must be enabled for the users (see https://help.cloud.fabasoft.com/index.php?topic=doc/User-Help-Fabasoft-Cloud-eng/the-fabasoft-cloud-client.htm#document-exchange-via-lan: new window).

You may provide the data permanently on a dedicated Microsoft Windows device with a specific user without an interactively logged in session. For this purpose the Native Client Service can be installed (see https://help.cloud.fabasoft.com/index.php?topic=doc/Fabasoft-Cloud-Client/microsoft-windows.htm#native-client-service: new window). After installing the Native Client Service on the device open the cloud folder via the notification icon and set a password for applications. Synchronize the desired folders with the documents that you want to make available to other users in the network efficiently.

Common ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

  • The organizational policy Automatically Terminate Membership of Inactive External Members After (“Membership Administration” tab) enables the automatic termination of the membership of inactive external members after the defined period of time.
  • The settings relating to qualified electronic signatures can now also be defined via organizational policies (“Qualified Electronic Signatures” tab).
    Note: Only available if the qualified electronic signature has been acquired for the organization.
  • The Mindbreeze InSpire configuration provides following actions:
    • Enable/Disable Delta Indexing
      Defines whether changes are transferred to the index defined in the endpoint.
      Note: If delta indexing is disabled, any changes are not logged and are therefore not reflected in the index even after enabling.
    • Schedule Full Indexing
      Starts full indexing in the background.
    • Resume/Pause Delta Indexing
      Defines whether changes are transferred to the index defined in the endpoint.
      Note: If delta indexing is paused, any changes are logged and are therefore reflected in the index after resuming.