. By default no
object class has this property assigned. You have to add this property to your object classes
and to the existing object classes depending on the object model of your solution.Class Hierarchy
Additional Information
Type |
Property |
Name |
Completed Activities |
All Activities of Running or Completed Processes |
Planned Activities |
Running Processes |
Current Activities |
Activities of the Process |
Archived on/at |
Archived by |
Process Statistic |
Process Definition |
Last Change in User Interface by |
Identifier for Related Processes |
Completed on/at |
Process Definition |
BPMN Process Diagram |
Escalation |
Process Initiator |
Disable Substitution |
Affected Object |
Overwritten Process Definition Participants |
BPMN Process Diagram (Released for Execution) |
Manual Entry by |
Responsible for Process |
Start Activities |
Started on/at |
State of Process |
Process Statistic |
Users Concerned |
To Do |
Activities Completed |
Number of Activities |
Activities Waiting to Be Started |
Activities Waiting to Be Started (Delayed) |
Activities Started |
Activities Started (Delayed) |
Suspended Started |
Suspended Started (Delayed) |
Activities Waiting to Become Startable |
Activities Waiting to Become Startable (Delayed) |
Percent Completed |
Waiting Period for Received Activities |
Working Period for Started Activities |
Running Period of Process |
Return Type |
Signature |
AllowChangeProcessState( |
ClearProcessParameters( |
GenerateArchivedProcessStatistic( |
GetInstanceElements( |
GetLastInstanceElements( |
GetParticipantUsers( |
GetProcessParameter( |
GetProcessParameters( |
ObjectCopy( |
ObjectFixVersion( |
SetProcessParameter( |
UserIsResponsible( |
Completed Activities (COOWF@1.1:objactivepastactivities)
ActivityInstance[] COOWF@1.1:objactivepastactivities readonly volatile
Additional Information
All Activities of Running or Completed Processes (COOWF@1.1:objallactiveactivities)
ActivityInstance[] COOWF@1.1:objallactiveactivities readonly volatile invisible
Additional Information
Planned Activities (COOWF@1.1:objfutureactivities)
ActivityInstance[] COOWF@1.1:objfutureactivities readonly volatile
Additional Information
Running Processes (COOWF@1.1:objinprogressproclist)
ProcessInstance[] COOWF@1.1:objinprogressproclist readonly volatile
Additional Information
Current Activities (COOWF@1.1:objrunningactivities)
ActivityInstance[] COOWF@1.1:objrunningactivities readonly volatile
Additional Information
Activities of the Process (COOWF@1.1:procinstactivities)
unique InstanceElement[] COOWF@1.1:procinstactivities readonly volatile
Additional Information
Archived on/at (COOWF@1.1:procinstarchivedat)
date COOWF@1.1:procinstarchivedat local readonly
Archived by (COOWF@1.1:procinstarchivedby)
User COOWF@1.1:procinstarchivedby readonly
Process Statistic (COOWF@1.1:procinstarchivedstatistic)
ArchivedProcessStatistic COOWF@1.1:procinstarchivedstatistic readonly
Process Definition (COOWF@1.1:procinstcalcdefinition)
) or a process definition (procinstdefinition
).Object COOWF@1.1:procinstcalcdefinition readonly volatile
Last Change in User Interface by (COOWF@1.1:procinstchangedby)
User COOWF@1.1:procinstchangedby readonly
Identifier for Related Processes (COOWF@1.1:procinstcommonid)
string COOWF@1.1:procinstcommonid readonly
Completed on/at (COOWF@1.1:procinstcompletedat)
date COOWF@1.1:procinstcompletedat local readonly
Process Definition (COOWF@1.1:procinstdefinition)
ProcessDefinition COOWF@1.1:procinstdefinition readonly
BPMN Process Diagram (COOWF@1.1:procinstdiagram)
WorkFlowDiagram COOWF@1.1:procinstdiagram readonly
Escalation (COOWF@1.1:procinstescalation)
.EscalationDefinition COOWF@1.1:procinstescalation readonly
Additional Information
Process Initiator (COOWF@1.1:procinstinitiator)
WorkFlowParticipant COOWF@1.1:procinstinitiator readonly(ui)
Disable Substitution (COOWF@1.1:procinstnosubst)
boolean COOWF@1.1:procinstnosubst readonly
Affected Object (COOWF@1.1:procinstobject)
Object[] COOWF@1.1:procinstobject readonly
Overwritten Process Definition Participants (COOWF@1.1:procinstpartmapping)
unique WorkFlowParticipantMapping[] COOWF@1.1:procinstpartmapping readonly(ui)
BPMN Process Diagram (Released for Execution) (COOWF@1.1:procinstpubdiagram)
WorkFlowDiagram COOWF@1.1:procinstpubdiagram readonly
Manual Entry by (COOWF@1.1:procinstrespmansubst)
WorkFlowParticipant COOWF@1.1:procinstrespmansubst
Responsible for Process (COOWF@1.1:procinstresponsible)
WorkFlowParticipant COOWF@1.1:procinstresponsible
Start Activities (COOWF@1.1:procinststart)
unique InstanceElement[] COOWF@1.1:procinststart readonly
Started on/at (COOWF@1.1:procinststartedat)
date COOWF@1.1:procinststartedat local readonly
State of Process (COOWF@1.1:procinststate)
ProcessInstanceState COOWF@1.1:procinststate not null
Process Statistic (COOWF@1.1:procinststatistic)
ProcessStatistic COOWF@1.1:procinststatistic readonly
Users Concerned (COOWF@1.1:procinstusers)
unique User[] COOWF@1.1:procinstusers readonly
To Do (COOWF@1.1:procinstwork)
unique InstanceElement[] COOWF@1.1:procinstwork readonly volatile
Activities Completed (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrcompleted)
(i.e. essentialy all activities in state Completed, Delegated or Rejected).unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrcompleted readonly volatile
Number of Activities (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrinst)
unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrinst readonly volatile
Activities Waiting to Be Started (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrreceived)
and that are not yet started. Essentially the activities
in state Startable are counted.unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrreceived readonly volatile
Activities Waiting to Be Started (Delayed) (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrreceivedoverdue)
and that are not yet started. Essentially the activities in state Startable are counted.unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrreceivedoverdue readonly volatile
Activities Started (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrstarted)
and that are not yet completed. Essentially the activity
instances in state Started are counted.unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrstarted readonly volatile
Activities Started (Delayed) (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrstartedoverdue)
and that are not yet completed and the defined deadlines of
this activities are expired. Essentially the activity instances in state Started are counted.unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrstartedoverdue readonly volatile
Suspended Started (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrsuspended)
unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrsuspended readonly volatile
Suspended Started (Delayed) (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrsuspendedoverdue)
unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrsuspendedoverdue readonly volatile
Activities Waiting to Become Startable (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrwaiting)
unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrwaiting readonly volatile
Activities Waiting to Become Startable (Delayed) (COOWF@1.1:procstatnrwaitingoverdue)
unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatnrwaitingoverdue readonly volatile
Percent Completed (COOWF@1.1:procstatpercentcomp)
unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatpercentcomp readonly volatile
Waiting Period for Received Activities (COOWF@1.1:procstatreceivedtime)
the difference in
and actinststartedat
added. If property actinststartedat
does not have a value, the current
date is used.unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatreceivedtime readonly volatile
Working Period for Started Activities (COOWF@1.1:procstatstartedtime)
the difference in
and actinstcompletedat
added up. If property actinstcompletedat
does not have a value yet,
the current date is used.unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstatstartedtime readonly volatile
Running Period of Process (COOWF@1.1:procstattotaltime)
and procinststartedat
.unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:procstattotaltime readonly volatile
boolean COOWF@1.1:AllowChangeProcessState(
out retval boolean statechangeable)
Name |
Description |
statechangeable |
is set to
true if the process state is changeable |
void COOWF@1.1:ArchiveProcess()
void COOWF@1.1:ClearProcessParameters(
optional boolean separatetx)
Name |
Description |
separatetx |
the changes are stored in a separate transaction and directly saved
ArchivedProcessStatistic COOWF@1.1:GenerateArchivedProcessStatistic(
out retval ArchivedProcessStatistic statistics)
Name |
Description |
statistics |
the archived statistics of the process instance.
object[] COOWF@1.1:GetInstanceElements(
ref retval object[] instelems,
optional object[] objclass,
optional ActivityInstanceState[] actinststate,
optional boolean ordered,
optional string adhockey,
optional string multiinstancekey)
Name |
Description |
instelems |
The list of instance elements.
objclass |
The desired class.
actinststate |
The desired state.
ordered |
The instance elements are returned in their graphical order. Starting at the top
going to the bottom and from left to right
adhockey |
the instance elements with the matching ad hockey will be returned
multiinstancekey |
the instance elements with the matching multi instance key will be
object[] COOWF@1.1:GetLastInstanceElements(
out retval object[] instelems)
Name |
Description |
instelems |
The list of last instance elements.
object[] COOWF@1.1:GetParticipantUsers(
out retval object[] users,
optional boolean ignoregroupposition,
optional boolean activeusersonly)
Name |
Description |
users |
the users
ignoregroupposition |
the ignoregroupposition
activeusersonly |
the activeusersonly
any COOWF@1.1:GetProcessParameter(
string key,
out retval any value)
Name |
Description |
key |
the identifier for the process parameter
value |
the parameter value
dictionary COOWF@1.1:GetProcessParameters(
out retval dictionary params)
Name |
Description |
params |
process parameters
on the copied
object COOSYSTEM@1.1:ObjectCopy(
ref optional object placement,
out retval object object,
optional string address,
optional boolean virtualobject)
Name |
Description |
placement |
If specified, the COO store or domain where the object should be copied. If not specified or an object with a different object class is specified,
COOSYTEM@1.1:ObjectPlacementGet is called to determine the placement. On output the COO store where the object is copied. |
object |
The created copy of the object.
address |
The object address for the new object. If this parameter is used, it overrides the specified COO store in parameter
coost or the automatically chosen COO store, if no COO store was specified. |
virtualobject |
(deprecated) Copy object as virtual object, living in one kernel instance only. If this parameter is used, it overrides the specified COO store in parameter
placement . |
as well as corresponding properties in
associated versions. Kernel values are stored in corresponding backup properties.Version Property | Override Mechanism | Requirements |
verscreatedat |
objcreatedat |
Object creation |
objactverscreated |
Object creation | |
ObjectFixVersion parameter verschangedat |
Subsequent ObjectFixVersion |
versby |
objchangedby |
ObjectFixVersion before commit |
ObjectFixVersion parameter versby |
verschangedat |
ObjectFixVersion parameter verschangedat |
verschangedby |
objcreatedby |
Object creation |
objchangedby |
ObjectFixVersion after commit |
verssavedat |
ObjectFixVersion parameter verschangedat |
/ CooRuntime.GetCurrentDateTime
) remains unaffected. Undesired values must be handled manually.coouser
/ CooRuntime.GetCurrentUser
) remains unaffected. Undesired values must be handled manually.FSCCOLD@1.1001
class and mapping options, configuration changes, and transaction variables.
integer COOSYSTEM@1.1:ObjectFixVersion(
boolean autofixed,
string versdesc,
out retval integer newversnr,
optional boolean fixcontents,
optional boolean converttofinalform,
optional string finalformat,
optional boolean noautopurge,
optional datetime verschangedat,
optional datetime verssavedat,
optional User versby)
Name |
Description |
autofixed |
If it is
true , the new version was started automatically. Otherwise the user started a new version. |
versdesc |
The version description.
newversnr |
The new version number.
fixcontents |
If specified and
true , a version for the contents of the object is created. |
converttofinalform |
If specified and
true , the object is converted to final form. |
finalformat |
If specified, the final format of the object used to convert the object to final form.
noautopurge |
If specified and
true , do not automatically purge versions of the object. |
verschangedat |
The value to override
verschangedat with. The kernel value is stored in versrealchangedat and objrealactverscreated . |
verssavedat |
The value to override
verssavedat with. The kernel value is stored in versrealsavedat . If verschangedat is specified and verssavedat is not, the value is based on verschangedat . |
versby |
The value to override
COOSYSTEM@1.1:verssby with. The kernel value is stored in versrealsavedby . If not specified and objchangedby is set in the current transaction, the value is based on verschangedat . Otherwise, the value is based on the current user (coouser / CooRuntime.GetCurrentUser ). |
void COOWF@1.1:SetProcessActive()
void COOWF@1.1:SetProcessParameter(
string key,
optional any value,
optional boolean separatetx)
Name |
Description |
key |
the identifier for the process parameter
value |
the parameter value
separatetx |
the changes are stored in a separate transaction and directly saved
void COOWF@1.1:SetProcessSuspended()
void COOWF@1.1:SetProcessTerminated()
boolean COOWF@1.1:UserIsResponsible(
out retval boolean isresponsible,
optional object user,
optional ResponsibilityContext respcontext)
Name |
Description |
isresponsible |
the result
user |
the for whom the responsibility should be checked
respcontext |
the context of process responsibility. The default value is RESPCTX_OTHER