This chapter covers the setup, authentication and concrete usage of operations that can be executed via the webservice interface provided by Fabasoft Contracts.
The WSDL can be reached via this URL:
In the data location “Germany“, the variable “<host>“ needs to be replaced with ““ and “<vdir>“ with "folio“:
The web service also supports JSON:
In order to authenticate yourself, you must use your e-mail address as your user name and generate a password for applications. Read the instructions in the chapter ”Access for Applications: new window“ in the document ”User Help Fabasoft Cloud“.
WSImportZIP imports a ZIP archive into a contract manager list. The optional parameter name Contains the name of the ZIP archive. If name has no value, a name is automatically generated according to the pattern ”Import <current date>“. The parameter baselist requires the Fabasoft Cloud ID of a contract manager list, otherwise the operation fails. The optional parameter extension Contains the file format. If extension has no value, the operation falls back to the ZIP format.
WSGetExportZIPs fetches a list of all keys of ZIP archives contained by contract manager files within contract manager lists. The parameter baselist requires the Fabasoft Cloud ID of contract manager list, otherwise the operation fails. The parameter selector requires an object with an attribute or an attribute definition that contains contract manager files or assignment targets. The return value keys contains a list of all keys to ZIP archives that are to be exported. If the parameter selector has no value, the Fabasoft Cloud ID of the contract manager list is set. If the value of selector is a contract manager file, the keys in the return value are formatted like “COO.a.b.c.d|COO.e.f.g.h“. If the value of selector is an attribute definition (for example the list of expired contracts), the list in keys contains an individual entry for each contract.
WSImportSuppliers imports a list of suppliers from an XML file in the IDoc format. The optional parameter context contains the Fabasoft Cloud ID of the import context which normally is a contact room. The parameter data requires the XML file, otherwise the operation fails. The optional parameter synchronous determines if the XML is processes (a)synchronously since large amounts of data may cause a timeout.
Note: While the webservice is active, all currently processes data objects are visible in the area “Asynchronous Data Objects” in the Contract Manager Configuration.
WSImportBaseListsAndRoles imports a number of Contract Manger lists from an Excel worksheet. The parameter data requires the worksheet, otherwise the operation fails. The parameter configuration requires the Fabasoft Cloud ID of an App Room (e.g. the Contract Manager Configuration), otherwise the operation fails.
If there are permissions defined in the import Excel worksheet, members and organization units are added to the organization of the current user. After the import, a new Excel worksheet is generated that contains the Fabasoft Cloud IDs of the newly created contract manager lists.
Before executing the operation, do the following steps:
WSSearchContracts returns a list of headdata for one or more contracts. The search can be limited to several parameters. The optional parameter context contains the Fabasoft Cloud ID for the context of the search; by default, this is the organization in which the user is located. The optional parameter contractnumber requires a string with the value "<contractlist abbreviation>/<year>/<ordinalnumber>". If filled in, all other parameters will be ignored and a contract is searched for whose identification matches the specified value. The optional parameter contractfolders requires a list of Fabasoft Cloud IDs of the contractlists to which the search should be restricted. The optional parameter signatories requires as value a list of objects with one of the following properties objaddress, objexternalkey, objname, signatoryname, orgsuppliernr, orgcustomernr, orgtradeid, orgvatid, orgdataprocid or orgjurisdiction. The properties should be filled with values that correspond to a signatorypartner. This allows you to search for contracts with these signatorypartners. The optional parameter states requires a list with ContractState`s as a value and filters those contracts whose status corresponds to one of the values. The optional parameter begindatefrom requires a date as a value and restricts the search to contracts whose start date is greater than the specified value. The optional parameter begindateto requires a date as a value and restricts the search to contracts whose start date is less than the specified value. The optional parameter enddatefrom requires a date as a value and restricts the search to contracts whose end date is greater than the specified value. The optional parameter enddateto requires a date as a value and restricts the search to contracts whose end date is less than the specified value. The optional parameter excludepermanent requires a boolean value, if the value is "true" the search is restricted to contracts that do not last indefinitely. The optional parameter contractsigningdatefrom requires a date as the value and restricts the search to contracts whose signing date is greater than the specified value. The optional parameter contractsigningdateto requires a date as the value and restricts the search to contracts whose signing date is less than the specified value. The optional parameter contracttype requires a string with the object name of the contract type to which the search should be filtered. The optional parameter contractlanguage requires the value of a string that corresponds to either the object name, the iso6391, the iso6392B or the iso6392T standard of a language and filters the search for contract languages with the corresponding value. The optional parameter additionalfieldreferences requires the value of a list of strings containing a reference to other metadata fields that the user would also like to have supplied in the headdata. The optional parameters includeemptybegindate, includeemptyenddate and includeemptycontractsigningdate each require a boolean value, if the value is "true" the search includes those contracts that values in the corresponding date properties are empty.
WSSearchLegalFile returns a list of headdata for one or more legalfiles. The search can be limited to several parameters. The optional parameter context contains the Fabasoft Cloud ID for the context of the search; by default, this is the organization in which the user is located. The optional parameter legalfilenumber requires a string with the value "<legalarea abbreviation>/<year>/<ordinalnumber>". If filled in, all other parameters will be ignored and a legalfile is searched for whose identification matches the specified value. The optional parameter legalareas requires a list of Fabasoft Cloud IDs of the legalareas to which the search should be restricted. The optional parameter states requires a list with LegalFileState`s as a value and filters those legalfiles whose status corresponds to one of the values. The optional parameter legalfilesigningdatefrom requires a date as the value and restricts the search to legalfiles whose signing date is greater than the specified value. The optional parameter legalfilesigningdateto requires a date as the value and restricts the search to legalfiles whose signing date is less than the specified value. The optional parameter legalfiletype requires a string with the object name of the legalfile type to which the search should be filtered. The optional parameter additionalfieldreferences requires the value of a list of strings containing a reference to other metadata fields that the user would also like to have supplied in the headdata. The optional parameter includeemptylegalfilesigningdate requires a boolean value, if the value is "true" the search includes contracts that do not have a value in the property “Signing Date”.
WSSearchCondtition returns a list of data for one or more text modules. The search can be limited to several parameters. The optional parameter context contains the Fabasoft Cloud ID for the context of the search; by default, this is the organization in which the user is located. The optional parameter condition requires a string as value. As a result, the search filters either the text module that matches the COO-address or the text modules that contain the search string in the name or the externalkey. If the string is a COO-address, all other filter options are ignored. The optional parameter folders requires a string array as value. The strings in the array could contain the COO-addresses, names or external keys of text module folders. The search filters the text modules located in the specified text module folders as results. The optional parameter categories requires a string array as value. The strings in the array could contain the COO-addresses, names or external keys of document categories. The search filters the results to those text modules that use one of the specified document categories as a category. The optional parameter releasedversions requires a boolean value. If this is set to "true", the published versions of the text modules are used as the result. If the value is "false" or not set, the draft versions are used in the result. The optional parameter modifieddatefrom requires a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" as value and filters the result for text modules for which the "Last modified on" date is greater than or equal to the specified value. The optional parameter modifieddateend requires a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" as value and filters the result for text modules for which the "Last modified on" date is less than the specified value. The optional parameter modifiedby requires a string as value. The search filters the result to those text modules for which the "Last modified by" user matches either the specified COO-address or the e-mail address. The optional parameter createddatefrom requires a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" as value and filters the result for text modules for which the "Created on/at" date is greater than or equal to the specified value. The optional parameter createddateend requires a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" as value and filters the result for text modules for which the "Created on/at" date is less than the specified value. The optional parameter createdby requires a string as value. The search filters the result to those text modules for which the "Created by" user matches either the specified COO address or the e-mail address. The optional parameter additionalfieldreferences requires the value of a list of strings containing a reference to other metadata fields that the user would also like to have supplied in the return data.
The WSUpdateBaseFiles interface allows users to create or update contracts, legal files and requests, as well as to create, update, or delete documents related to these contracts, legal files and requests. To call the interface, the parameter data must be passed, which contains the data of the contract, legal file or request to be created or updated.
The interface returns two values: result and basefiles.
The result value provides an overview of the entire interface call outcome:
statuscode: contains either OK for successful execution or NOK for failed execution.
details: contains the list of all contract folders or legal areas in which the contracts, legal files or requests were created or updated.
updatedbasefiles: contains the number of successfully updated contracts, legal files or requests.
createdbasefiles: contains the number of successfully created contract, legal files or requests.
updateddocs: contains the number of successfully updated documents.
createddocs: contains the number of successfully created documents.
deleteddocs: contains the number of successfully deleted documents.
faileddocs: contains the number of documents that were not successfully created or updated.
failedbasefiles: contains the list of all contracts, legal files or requests that were not successfully created or updated. This list consists of two values:
entrykey: contains the cloud address of the contract, legal or request.
entryvalue: contains the error message that helps the user quickly identify the error in the request.
The basefiles value is a list of information about all created or updated contracts, legal files or requests. Each entry in this list contains:
bfevent: the event ("Created", "Updated") that occurred on this contract, legal file or request.
bfbasefile: the cloud ID and name of the contract, legal file or request.
bfdocumentsresult: a list of information about the documents of each created or updated contract, legal file or request. This information includes:
docstatuscode: contains either OK for successful execution or NOK for failed execution.
docdetails: contains the cloud ID of the contract, legal file or request in which the document was created or updated.
updateddocuments: contains the number of documents updated in this contract, legal file or request.
createddocuments: contains the number of documents created in this contract, legal file or request.
deleteddocuments: contains the number of documents deleted from this contract, legal file or request.
numfaileddocuments: contains the number of documents not successfully created or updated.
changeddocs: contains a list of information about all created or updated documents. Each entry in this list contains:
bfevent: the event ("Created", "Updated" or "Deleted") that occurred on this document.
document: the cloud ID and name of the document.