2024 August Release

Outgoing InvoicesPermanent link for this heading

The outgoing invoice management allows to administer outgoing invoices. Using forms and processes, the outgoing invoice management can be customized to meet the needs of your organization.

Using a web service, a draft invoice can be uploaded from an ERP system and an approval process can be started. The approval status can be queried in the ERP system and changed or newly added documents can be transferred to the ERP system. The original invoice sent via the ERP system can in turn be uploaded.

Note: Available as add-on product. The outgoing invoice management may have to be enabled by an organization administrator (Organization > Licenses > Solutions > Outgoing Invoices with assignment Configured (Inactive) > “Enable” action).

DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The outgoing invoice dashboard provides your access point to the outgoing invoice management.

When you are added to an outgoing invoice configuration as an app user, a dashboard is automatically created and stored on “Home”. If you are removed again as an app user, the dashboard is also removed.

The outgoing invoice dashboard is divided into the following areas:

  • Current Outgoing Invoices
    Shows the current outgoing invoices to which you have access.
  • Recently Used Outgoing Invoices
    Shows the outgoing invoices that you have recently used.
  • Shelves
    Shows all shelves in which you are authorized.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Create Outgoing Invoice
    With the “Create Outgoing Invoice” action you can define a new outgoing invoice.
  • Switch to Configuration
    With the “Switch to Configuration” action you can view the configuration that is associated with the dashboard.
  • Settings
    With the “Settings” action you can define common properties of the dashboard like the logo or notification setting.

ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

In the outgoing invoice configuration, you as app administrator can manage the shelves, artifacts and general settings.


The configuration is divided into the following areas:

  • Shelves
    Shows the available shelves.
  • Profit Center
    Shows the available profit centers. In the outgoing invoice a profit center can be defined to which the invoice is assigned.
  • Companies
    Shows the available companies. In an outgoing invoice a company can be defined that issues the invoice.
  • The general areas can be found in chapter “Configurations”.


You can perform the following actions:

  • Create Shelf
    With the “Create Shelf” action you can define a new shelf.
  • Create Profit Center
    With the “Create Profit Center” action you can define a new profit center. In addition to the name, you can also define users who have read or change access to outgoing invoices assigned to the profit center.
  • Create Company
    With the “Create Company” action you can define a new company. In addition to the name, you can also define users who have read or change access to outgoing invoices assigned to the company.
  • Import Project Assignment
    With the “Import Project Assignment” action you can utilize a CSV file to define assignments of project number, profit center, approver and additional users with read access.
    Note: You can download a sample file by clicking the “Download CSV Template” button. Multi-value properties can be filled by specifying several lines with the same project number. Users can be defined by e-mail address or import ID. Teams can also be defined via the import ID.
  • Translations
    The “Translations” action can be used to export or import a CSV file containing the multilingual names of the customizing objects. This enables an external translation.
  • Settings
    With the “Settings” action you can define further configuration settings.


Outgoing Invoices Configuration” tab

  • Externally Managed Master Data
    Defines the master data of an outgoing invoice, which can only be changed via an import.
    Note: Whether an outgoing invoice is managed externally is determined by the field Externally Managed.

“Project Assignment” tab

  • Project Assignment
    Defines the assignments of project number, profit center, approver and additional users with read access. The project assignment is considered when importing outgoing invoices via the web service.

Additional tabs

ShelfPermanent link for this heading

Shelves are used to manage outgoing invoices and to define access rights (“Permissions“ action).


The general settings can be found in chapter “Shelves”.

Access Rights

Outgoing invoice shelves offer the standard roles “Full Control”, “Change Access” and “Read Access”.

Outgoing InvoicePermanent link for this heading

In an outgoing invoice, the invoice documents and additional attachments can be stored in addition to the metadata.

The following fields are available:

“Outgoing Invoice” tab

  • Name
    The name of the outgoing invoice.
  • State
    Shows the state of the outgoing invoice (must be set in the workflow).
    • In Progress
      The outgoing invoice is not approved.
    • Approved
      The outgoing invoice is approved.
    • Released
      The outgoing invoice is released.
    • Closed
      The original invoice is available.
    • Discarded
      The outgoing invoice has been discarded.
  • Type
    Defines the type of the outgoing invoice (e.g. “Invoice”, “Credit Note” or “Down Payment”).
  • Externally Managed
    Defines whether the fields defined in the configuration in the Externally Managed Master Data field are displayed read-only.
  • Remarks
    Shows the remarks if remarks are available (“Remarks” tab).
  • Booking Date
    Defines the booking date.
  • Net Value
    Defines the net value.
  • Invoice Number
    Defines the invoice number.
  • External Invoice Number
    Defines the external invoice number.
  • External Invoice
    If an invoice exists that corresponds to the external invoice number, it will be displayed (invoice number must be unequal to the external invoice number).
  • Project Number
    Defines the project number.
  • Order Number
    Defines the order number.
  • Company
    Defines the company that issues the outgoing invoice. Companies are managed in the configuration.
  • Profit Center
    Defines the profit centers that are assigned to the invoice. Profit centers are managed in the configuration.
  • Debitor
    Defines an organization from the contact management as invoice recipient.
  • Debitor Name
    If no debitor is selected, the debitor name can be entered as free text.
  • Debitor Number
    If no debitor is selected, the debitor number (customer number) can be entered as free text.
  • End Customer
    Defines the customer for whom the product or service is finally intended.
  • Approver
    Defines the approver for the approving process.
  • Users With Read Access
    The defined users get read access to the outgoing invoice.
  • Invoice (Draft)
    Defines the invoice draft for approving.
  • Invoice (Original)
    Defines the original invoice.
  • Invoice (Copies)
    Defines copies of the invoice.
  • Attachments
    Defines additional documents.


You can perform the following actions:

  • Open
    Allows to check the metadata and the invoice document.
  • Close
    If an Invoice (Original) exists, the outgoing invoice can be closed.
  • Discard
    Discards the outgoing invoice (status: Discarded).
  • Start New Process
    Starts an ad hoc or predefined process.


For example, the original invoice can also be assigned via an inbox (see also “Inbox”). To do this, create a rule in the inbox with two actions:

  • Assign Category (Incoming Category for Outgoing Invoice Documents)
  • Assign (Asynchronous)
    The QR code or PDF keywords of the invoice must contain either the cloud ID or the invoice number of the outgoing invoice.

Approval ProcessPermanent link for this heading

The approval process varies from organization to organization. Therefore, you have to define the required BPMN processes by yourself.

Basically, an outgoing invoice is forwarded to the defined approver for approval. The approver can approve or discard the outgoing invoice. If necessary, a second approval can be obtained, for example, from the “Invoicing” management.

Especially the following activity definitions can be used for the approval process. The subsequent status can be defined as an expression when completing the activity.

  • Forward for Approval
    With this activity, the outgoing invoice can be checked again and forwarded for approval.
    • Open
    • Forward for Approval
    • Discard (subsequent status: Discarded)
  • Approve
    The user responsible for approval can approve the outgoing invoice.
    • Open
    • Approve (subsequent status: In Progress or Approved, if no further approval is necessary)
      Example (Expression When Completing the Activity):
      import COOSIGNATURE@1.1;
      import FSCFOLIOWF@1.1001;
      if (
      object.lastsigned == #SIGN_APPROVE) {
      object.ObjectLock(true, true);
        object.FSCINVOICEMGMT@1.1001:oistate = 2; //OIS_APPROVED

    • Deny Approval (subsequent status: In Progress)
  • Take Note
    This activity informs that the outgoing invoice has been approved.
    • Open
    • Take Note (subsequent status: Released)

Web Service InterfacePermanent link for this heading

Outgoing invoices can be uploaded and updated from an ERP system via a web service.

Further information can be found here:

https://help.cloud.fabasoft.com/index.php?topic=doc/Fabasoft-Cloud-Web-Services/outgoing-invoice.htm: new window