Fabasoft Contracts allows you transfer contract manager files, their metadata, and their documents into the contract manager app in a number of ways. The use cases described in this chapter are supposed to assist you in adding numerous contracts as simply as possible.
You can classify and register documents in a single use case.
This step applies to all contract manager files. Proceed as follows:
The documents are subsequently processed and converted into contract manager files that you can then find in the corresponding contract manager list.
Note: This action makes use of a function from Fabasoft Cloud. If necessary, read the complementing chapter ”Classifying and Registering: new window“ in the document ”User Help Fabasoft Cloud“.
Fabasoft Contract offer the option to the register contract manager files in the background. This way, you can direct your attention to other tasks once the registration has started and continue to edit contract, legal files and requests later.
Consider the necessary steps:
Note: Files must be texts or images in PDF documents or Microsoft Word documents, otherwise they cannot be processed during the registration.
This step applies to all contract manager files. Proceed as follows:
Documents can be placed as follows:
Subsequently, object shells are created from the selected documents and filled with metadata from the documents. Then the documents are placed in the “Documents” area of the desired contract manager file.
Subsequently, the requests are created in the contract folder or legal area. The selected documents are moved to the “Documents” area of the requests.
You can support the registration capabilities of Fabasoft Contracts and increase the accuracy with which documents are recognized and analyzed. By providing concrete keywords, you can give hints as to which documents are a main document or an additional document.
In order to define the corresponding keywords, proceed as follows:
Fabasoft Contracts enables you to comfortably import contract/legal file metadata from an Excel worksheet or a CSV file. A completed worksheet is imported into a specific contract folder or legal area. Hence, for every contract folder/legal area, a distinct worksheet is needed.
In order to import contracts/legal files via an Excel worksheet, proceed as follows:
The imported contracts/legal files are placed in the specific contract folder/legal area. From the imported contracts/legal files, those that already exist are updated. Each contract/legal file is uniquely identified through the attributes year, ordinal and externalkey. To ensure precise identification, these three attributes should be included as columns in the Excel worksheet. It is also possible to identify contracts/legal files using externalkey only, but it must be possible to assign this uniquely to an object. If this only applies to a specific object, the ordinal column is obsolete and is ignored. If it applies to several objects, a new contract/legal file is created. All possible built-in attributes that can be included in the Excel worksheet for contracts and legal files are presented in the following two tables.
Data structure of the Excel worksheet for contracts import
The following table represents the properties of a contract (see chapter “Properties“)
Column | Description |
year | Year of the beginning of the contract period Note:
ordinal | Sequential number of the contract Note: This property is part of the unique ID of a contract. In case of creating a new contract, this property is reassigned and could therefore be ignored. |
externalkey | External key of the contract Note: This property is part of the unique ID of a contract. |
state | Contract state
signatory | Signatory (as free text) |
signatoryobject | Signatory (as object) Note:
signatoryobjects | Signatory (as objectlist) Note:
signatorydepartment | Department of the signatory |
signatoryrole | Role of the signatory |
signatorycontact | Contact of the signatory Note: This value may contain the name, e-mail address or Fabasoft Cloud ID of the desired signatory contact from the contact management. |
signatorycontactdescription | Contact information of the signatory |
signatoryreference | External reference of the signatory |
street | Street |
zipcode | Zipcode |
city | City |
country | Country (as a name, or two/three-digit ISO ID) |
business | Phone number (Business) |
fax | Phone number (Fax) |
mobile | Phone number (Mobile) |
private | Phone number (Private) |
internalrole | Internal role |
internaleditorcontact | Internal editor Note: This value may contain the name, e-mail address or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an internal or external member of the Fabasoft Cloud organization. |
internalpurchasercontact | Internal purchaser Note: This value may contain the name, e-mail address or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an internal or external member of the Fabasoft Cloud organization. |
internalresponsiblecontact | Internal responsible Note: This value may contain the name, e-mail address or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an internal or external member of the Fabasoft Cloud organization. |
internalserviceprovision | Internal service provision (as free text) |
internalreference | Internal reference |
supplier | Supplier Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a supplier. If no such supplier is found, a new one is created. |
customer | Customer Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a customer. If no such customer is found, a new one is created. |
client | Client Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a client. If no such client is found, a new one is created. |
corporation | Corporation Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a corporation. If no such corporation is found, a new one is created. |
committee | Committee Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a committee. If no such committee is found, a new one is created. |
union | Union Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a union. If no such union is found, a new one is created. |
company | Company Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a company. If no such company is found, a new one is created. |
scope | Scope Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a scope. If no such scope is found, a new one is created. |
industry | Industry Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an industry. If no such industry is found, a new one is created. |
area | Area Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an area. If no such area is found, a new one is created. |
brand | Brand Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a brand. If no such brand is found, a new one is created. |
product | Product Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a product. If no such product is found, a new one is created. |
project | Project Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a project. If no such project is found, a new one is created. |
license | License Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a license. If no such license is found, a new one is created. |
businessunit | Business unit Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a business unit. If no such business unit is found, a new one is created. |
costtype | Cost type Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a cost type. If no such cost type is found, a new one is created. |
costcenter | Cost center Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a cost center. If no such cost center is found, a new one is created. |
profitcenter | Profit center Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a profit center. If no such profit center is found, a new one is created. |
subject | Contract subject |
description | Description |
type | Contract type Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a contract type. If no such contract type is found, a new one is created. |
language | Contract language |
amount | Contract amount |
amountsymbol | Currency of the contract amount |
penalty | Contract penalty |
penaltysymbol | Currency of the contract penalty Note: The currency must be an ISO code of three letters, e.g. ”EUR“, ”GBP“ or ”USD“. Find further IDs on wikipedia: new window. |
paymentarrangements | Payment arrangements |
legalbasis | Legal basis |
applicablelaw | Applicable law |
jurisdiction | Jurisdiction |
specialcontractterms | Special contract terms |
specialcontracttermsremarks | Remarks to special contract terms |
specialterminationterms | Special termination terms |
specialterminationtermsremarks | Remarks to special termination terms |
signing | Signature date |
signingremarks | Remarks to signature date |
start | Contract start |
startterms | Terms for contract start |
permanent | Permanent contract (values allowed: true, false) |
prolongationterms | Terms for prolongation |
cancelationwaiver | Cancellation waiver |
cancelationwaiverterms | Terms for cancellation waiver |
end | Contract end |
validfrom | Beginning of validity (date) |
Validto | End of validity (date) |
endterms | Terms for contract end |
cancelationmode | Cancellation mode
cancelationterms | Terms for cancellation |
contractperiod | Contract period Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a timespan. If no such timespan is found, a new one is created. |
contractperiodterms | Terms for contract period |
contractperiodreminder | Timespan for reminder e-mail before the end of the contract period Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a timespan. If no such timespan is found, a new one is created. |
noticeperiod | Notice period Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a timespan. If no such timespan is found, a new one is created. |
noticeperiodterms | Terms for notice period |
noticeperiodreminder | Timespan for reminder e-mail before the end of the notice period Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a timespan. If no such timespan is found, a new one is created. |
givencancelation | Cancellation given (date) |
givencancelationremarks | Terms for cancellation given |
effectivecancelation | Cancellation effective (date) |
effectivecancelationremarks | Terms for cancellation effective |
reminder | Additional reminder (date) |
reminderinterval | Interval for additional reminder |
reminderusers | Additional contacts for reminder e-mails Note: This value may contain the name, e-mail address or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an internal or external member of the Fabasoft Cloud organization. |
contractassignedlegalfilesarea | Assigned legal area Note: This field can be used to specify the Fabasoft Cloud ID or the external key of the legal area in which the legal file to be assigned to the contract is located. |
contractassignedlegalfiles | Assigned legal files Note:
ictservice | ICT-Service (values allowed: true, false) |
contractualarrangementtype | Type of Contract Agreement
contractlocationofjurisdiction | Location of Jurisdication: Country (as a name, or two/three-digit ISO ID) |
contractoutsourcingevaluation | Significance Evaluated on |
contractoutsourcing | Significance of Outsourcing
contracttestscostanalysistest | Test
contracttestscostanalysislasttest | Last Test on (KNA) |
contracttestscostanalysisnexttest | Next Test on (KNA) |
contracttestsriskevaluationtest | Test
contracttestsriskevaluationlasttest | Last Test on (RB) |
contracttestsriskevaluationnexttest | Next Test on (RB) |
contracttestsexitstrategylasttest | Last Test on (EX) |
contracttestsexitstrategynexttest |
contractsubstitutabilityoictserviceprovider | Substitutability of the ICT Third-Party Service Provider
contractreasonforictnotsubstitutable | Reason if the ICT Third-Party Service Provider is Considered not Substitutable or Difficult to be Substitutable
contractlastauditonictserviceprovider | Date of the Last Audit on the ICT Third-Party Service Provider |
contractnextauditonictserviceprovider | Date of next Audit |
contractexistenceofexitplan | Existence of an Exit Plan (values allowed: true, false) |
possibilitysuboutsourcingmaterials | Possibility of Sub-Outsourcing of Material Parts of the Outsourced Functions included in Contract (values allowed: true, false) |
contractreintegrationofcontractedictservice | Possibility of Reintegration of the Contracted ICT Service
contractimpactofdiscontinuingictservices | Impact of Discontinuing the ICT Services
contractalternativeictserviceproviders | Are there Alternative ICT Third-Party Service Providers Identified?
contractidentificationofalternativeict | Identification of Alternative ICT TPP |
exitorgidtype | ID Type for Alternative ICT Third-Party-Provider
exitorgleidata | LEI |
exitorgregnum | Corporate Registration Number |
alternativeproviders | Alternative providers |
programming name | Programming name of a custom field Note: If you assign a contract type containing custom fields (from the release version of a form) to a contract, you can also fill these fields. For each desired field, add its programming name as a new column. If the custom field is an object property, the import values may contain the following prefixes:
overridekeys | CSV columns of properties to be overwritten separated by commas (otherwise empty values are ignored and values are added in list properties) |
contractriskevaluationsummary |
approvingdecisionmakingbody |
contractannualamount |
contractannualamountsymbol |
contractsupportscriticalimportantfuncoverride |
contractnoticeperiodcontractsignatory |
contractsupportscriticalimportantfuncoverridereason |
contractebareviewed |
contractterminationreason |
Data structure of the Excel worksheet for legal files import
The following table represents the properties of a legal file (see chapter 10.3 Properties“)
Column | Description |
year | Year of the beginning of the legal file period Note:
ordinal | Sequential number of the legal file Note: This property is part of the unique ID of a legal file. In case of creating a new legal file, this property is reassigned and could therefore be ignored. |
externalkey | Import ID of the legal file Note: This property is part of the unique ID of a legal file. |
state | Legal file state
internaleditorcontact | Internal editor Note:
internalpurchasercontact | Internal purchaser Note:
internalresponsiblecontact | Internal responsible Note:
supplier | Supplier Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a supplier. If no such supplier is found, a new one is created. |
customer | Customer Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a customer. If no such customer is found, a new one is created. |
client | Client Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a client. If no such client is found, a new one is created. |
corporation | Corporation Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a corporation. If no such corporation is found, a new one is created. |
committee | Committee Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a committee. If no such committee is found, a new one is created. |
union | Union Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a union. If no such union is found, a new one is created. |
company | Company Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a company. If no such company is found, a new one is created. |
scope | Scope Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a scope. If no such scope is found, a new one is created. |
industry | Industry Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an industry. If no such industry is found, a new one is created. |
area | Area Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of an area. If no such area is found, a new one is created. |
brand | Brand Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a brand. If no such brand is found, a new one is created. |
product | Product Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a product. If no such product is found, a new one is created. |
project | Project Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a project. If no such project is found, a new one is created. |
license | License Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a license. If no such license is found, a new one is created. |
businessunit | Business unit Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a business unit. If no such business unit is found, a new one is created. |
costtype | Cost type Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a cost type. If no such cost type is found, a new one is created. |
costcenter | Cost center Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a cost center. If no such cost center is found, a new one is created. |
profitcenter | Profit center Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a profit center. If no such profit center is found, a new one is created. |
subject | Legal file subject |
type | Legal file type Note: This value may contain the name or Fabasoft Cloud ID of a legal file type. If no such legal file type is found, a new one is created if allowed (Legal area settings). |
legalfileassignedcontractsfolder | Assigned contract folder Note: This field can be used to specify the Fabasoft Cloud ID or the external key of the contract folder where the contract to be assigned to the legal file is located. |
legalfileassignedcontracts | Assigned contracts Note:
programming name | Programming name of a custom field Note: If you assign a legal file type containing custom fields (from the release version of a form) to a legal file, you can also fill these fields. For each desired field, add its programming name as a new column. If the custom field is an object property, the import values may contain the following prefixes:
In order to add documents to a contract/legal file from a ZIP archive, proceed as follows:
Note: The documents that are selected for the archive can be stored in the archive along with a folder hierarchy. However, when the documents are imported into Contract Manager, the folder hierarchy is ignored, which means that all imported documents are placed within the “Documents” area of the respective contract/legal file at the same level.
It is possible to use an Excel worksheet to assign a category, which you have defined for example in the Contract Manager configuration or within a contract folder/legal area, to the documents of a contract/legal file. To do this proceed as follows:
Column | Description |
externalkey | The import ID of the contract/legal file (see tables in Chapter “Importing a Contract/Legal File via an Excel Worksheet”) |
filepath | The file name along with the file path where the document exists within the “Documents” area of the contract/legal file Note:
filecategory | The Fabasoft Cloud ID or the import ID or the name of the category |
programmingname | Note: If you assign a category containing custom fields ( = the published version of a form) to the document, you can also input values into these fields. For each desired custom field, add its programming name as a column name. |
You can add documents from a teamroom or a folder as well. This option is especially useful if the documents in question are provided by a system external to the Fabasoft Cloud (e.g. SharePoint, SAP, etc.) and the need to be processed further.
This use case requires a correctly filled-out Excel worksheet, hence familiarize yourself with the data structure.
Column | Description |
skip | Ignore column during import; values: true, false, 1, 0 |
externalkey | Fabasoft Cloud ID or external key of the contract or legal file that documents are assigned to, e.g. ”file_smith_1_2“) |
path | Document path Note: Subfolders are separated by “/“, e.g.: |
filename | File name of the document, e.g. ”file_document.pdf“. |
filecategory | Category |
programmingname | Programming name |
targetpath | Target path |
targetlist | Target list |
In order to add documents to contracts/legal files, proceed as follows:
Repeat this procedure if you want to add documents to further contracts/legal files.
Repeat this procedure if you want to add documents from several teamrooms or folder to contracts.
Note: In order to provide the correct path, the Fabasoft Cloud ID from the uppermost teamroom or folder in the hierarchy is required. Working with subfolders is explained later.
The documents that were successfully allocated are moved from the teamroom/folder to the target contract/legal file.
Note: If the import of documents into the desired target contract/legal file should fail, check for the following potential causes of error:
You can also assign documents from a team room/folder to contact persons/contact organizations from contact management.
For this use case, a correctly completed Excel workbook is assumed. The data structure is very similar to the one already described at the beginning of chapter “Adding a Contract-/Legal File Document from a Teamroom/Folder”, but there is one more column and some other differences listed below.
Column | Description |
contactroom | Fabasoft Cloud ID or the external key of the contact room containing the contact persons/contact organizations to which the documents are to be assigned (e.g. "contact_smith_01_02"). Note: If there is no value in the column, the default contact room of the contract list is used to search for contacts. |
Note: For instructions on how to set up the Excel workbook and assign the documents, see Chapter “Adding an Import ID to a Contract/Legal File” - Chapter “Allocating from a Teamroom/Folder”.
Differences from above are:
You can import contracts and their corresponding documents via a single Excel worksheet as well. For this use case, it is important to have all necessary metadata in place as well to name all involved file paths and documents correctly.
Proceed as follows:
You can import elements, for example user objects, documents, etc., from an Excel or a CSV file into element lists that can be found in the properties of a contract or a legal file. To do this, proceed as follows:
Column | Description |
fileexternalkey | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.1.506.1.1009392”) or the Import ID (e.g. “Contract100”) of the contract or the legal file that contains the list where the elements will be created/updated. Both the Fabasoft Cloud ID as well as the Import ID can be found in the “General” tab of the contract or the legal file properties. As opposed to the Fabasoft Cloud ID, which is automatically created, the Import ID is manually specified by the user. |
listproperty | The programming name of the list where you want to import the element. You can use either the short or the full reference. |
elementclass | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.”) or the full reference (e.g. “COOMSOFFICE@1.1:WordObject”) of the created element’s class (e.g. a Word document). |
elementexternalkey | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.1.506.1.1009626”) or the Import ID (e.g. “PDF200”) of the element to be uploaded to the list specified through the aforementioned attributes (i.e. fileexternalkey, listproperty and elementclass). Both the Fabasoft Cloud ID as well as the Import ID can be found in the “General” tab of the element properties. As opposed to the Fabasoft Cloud ID, which is automatically created, the Import ID is manually specified by the user. If the elementexternalkey is not found in the destination list, a new element is created in this list, while if it is found, the values of the element’s attributes are updated. |
elementcategory | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.6505.100.2.3”) or the Import ID (e.g. “category123”) of the category to be assigned to the element. As opposed to the above four attributes, elementcategory is not mandatory for the identification of a list element. However, if it exists, it affects the identification of the element. Consider for example two rows in the Excel/CSV file with identical values for the mandatory attributes (i.e. for fileexternalkey, listproperty, elementclass and elementexternalkey) but with a category defined only in the first row. These two rows will lead to the creation of two different elements (in case the elementexternalkey does not exist), one with a category assigned to it and a second one without a category. From that point on, the value of the elementcategory will be necessary for the identification of the element, which has a category assigned to it (if you wish for example to update the values of this element’s additional attributes). The elementcategory may also be a form with user-defined fields: new window. In such a case, the imported elements can have also user-defined attributes apart from the ones offered by the element’s class. |
Note: This function is only available with a valid Fabasoft DORA license.
Column | Description |
contract | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.1.506.1.1009392”) or the Import ID (e.g. “Contract100”) of the contract or the legal file that contains the list where the elements will be created/updated. Both the Fabasoft Cloud ID as well as the Import ID can be found in the “General” tab of the contract or the legal file properties. As opposed to the Fabasoft Cloud ID, which is automatically created, the Import ID is manually specified by the user. |
contractictservicetype | ICT-Service Type
contractcountryictservicesprovision | ICT Place of Service Provision (Country) (as a name, or two/three-digit ISO ID) |
contractictservicestorageofdata | Storage of Data (mögliche Werte: ISS_YES, ISS_NO) |
contractictservicecountryofdata | Location of the Data (Storage) (as a name, or two/three-digit ISO ID) |
contractictservicecountryofdatamanagement | Location of Data Management (Processing) (as a name, or two/three-digit ISO ID) |
contractictservicesensitivityofdata | Data Sensitivity of the ICT Third-Party Service Provider
contractictservicelevelofreliance | Reliance on Critical ICT Service
contractictservicekey | The Service Key of the ICT service. (Text field) |
contractictservicename | The Service Designation of the ICT service. (Text field) |
contractictserviceexternaldata | Information on externalised data of the ICT service. (Text field) |
contractictservicecloudprovidertype | Cloud Provisioning Model
functions | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.6505.100.2.3”) or the import ID (e.g. “function123”) of the function to be assigned to the element. Several functions can also be transferred, these must be separated by a line break. |
Note: This function is only available with a valid Fabasoft DORA license.
Column | Description |
contract | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.1.506.1.1009392”) or the Import ID (e.g. “Contract100”) of the contract or the legal file that contains the list where the elements will be created/updated. Both the Fabasoft Cloud ID as well as the Import ID can be found in the “General” tab of the contract or the legal file properties. As opposed to the Fabasoft Cloud ID, which is automatically created, the Import ID is manually specified by the user. |
contractsubcontractorictservicetype | ICT-Service Type
contractsubcontractorsubcontractor | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.6505.100.2.3”) or the import ID (e.g. “org123”) of the subcontractor that is to be assigned to the element. Only elements of the contact person or organization classes are permitted. |
contractsubcontractorrang | Rank
supplychaincountryofdatastorage | Country of Data Storage (as a name, or two/three-digit ISO ID) |
supplychaincountryofdataprocessing | Country of Data Processing (as a name, or two/three-digit ISO ID) |
contractsubcontractorrecipientsubservice | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.6505.100.2.3”) or the import ID (e.g. “org123”) of the recipient of the sub-service to be assigned to the element. Only elements of the contact person or organization classes are permitted. |
contractsubcontractortransferofpersonaldata | Transfer or Processing of Personal Data to/by Contractor for Sub-Outsourcing of Material Parts |
Note: This function is only available with a valid Fabasoft DORA license.
Column | Description |
function | The Fabasoft Cloud ID (e.g. “COO.1.506.1.1009392”) or the Import ID (e.g. “Function100”) of the function, which should be updated. Both the Fabasoft Cloud ID as well as the Import ID can be found in the “General” tab of the function properties. If the function with the entered import ID is not found in the system, a new function is created and the import ID is set automatically. Note: The import ID should not begin with “COO.”. |
organisation |
orgfuncname | Name of the function. |
orgfuncactivitiesandservices | Activities and Services
orgfunccriticalityimportanceevaluation | Evaluation of Criticality or Importance.
orgfuncwhyfunciscritical | Brief Explanation of the Reasons for Classifying the Function as Critical or Important. |
orgfuncdateoflastcriticalityimportanceevaluation | Date of the Last Assessment of Criticality or Importance. |
orgfuncdateofnextcriticalityimportanceevaluation | Date of the Next Assessment of Criticality or Importance. |
orgfuncfunctionrecoverytimeobjective | Objective of the Function Recovery Time. |
orgfuncfunctionrecoverypointobjective | Objective of the Function Recovery Point. |
orgfuncfunctionabolitioneffects | Effects of Abolition of Function.
orgfuncsupportstimecritical | Supports Time-Critical Business Processes |
orgfuncauthorization | Function Requires Authorization