2024 December Release

Legal FilesPermanent link for this heading

Analogous to a contract that is contained in a contract folder, a legal file is contained and managed in a legal area. If a contract should be disputed, a separate legal file can be created in order to file documents relating to this dispute.

Note: Legal files, contracts and requests are also called “contract manager files”. Similarly, contract folders, legal areas and configuration lists are summarized by the umbrella term “contract manager lists”, and both terms are frequently used throughout this document.

AreasPermanent link for this heading

Legal files are divided into the following areas:

  • Assigned Contracts
    Displays the contracts created from the current legal file.
  • Created Requests
    Displays the requests created in the current legal file.
  • Documents
    Displays the documents of the current legal file.
  • All Documents
    Displays the documents of the current legal file without folder hierarchies.
  • Received Requests
    Displays the requests received in the current legal file.

Note: Some areas are only visible if there is at least one entry.

ActionsPermanent link for this heading

You can perform the following actions:

  • Open Legal File
    Opens the properties of the legal file in a split (two-part) view.
    In this view, the properties of the legal files are displayed alongside the PDF preview of documents contained in the legal file, given that at least one document exists. If there are several documents, you can switch between them via a button.
  • Manage Assignments
    Opens a list of available assignments to assign the legal file to them.
    Note: This action is only visible if the superordinate legal area manages or uses at least one assignment.
  • Create Request
    Creates a request that is visible to the administrators of the legal file.
    Further information can be found in chapter ”Requests“.
    Note: A request can only be created in a legal file if the option Allow Requests is active in the superordinate legal area.
  • Create Contract
    Creates a contract from a legal file, allows to define its properties and upload documents.
    Note: This action is only visible if there is a contract folder in the contract manager configuration.
  • Upload
    Uploads files and/or documents.
  • Start Process
    Defines and starts adhoc process, and also offers the option to execute a pre-defined BPMN process.
  • Start Signature Process
    Starts the signing process for the legal file.
    Note: This action is available only if at least one document is available in the documents section.
  • Set/Remove Legal Hold
    Sets or removes a legal hold for the current legal file.
  • Add Remark
    Adds a remark to the legal file. In the dialog, you can also paste shortcuts to documents or upload them from the file system.
  • Add Internal Remark
    Adds an internal remark to the legal file. This remark is not visible to members holding restricted access in the superordinate legal area. In the dialog, you can also paste shortcuts to documents or upload them from the file system.
  • Properties
    Opens the properties of the legal file.

PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

In the properties of a legal file, you can specify the following:

Tab “Legal File“

  • Legal File
    Contains the legal area that the legal file is assigned to.
  • Reference Additional Legal Areas
    If this option is active, you can add further legal areas in the field Additional Lega Areas to reference the legal file therein. Members holding access rights to these additional legal files are then granted access to the legal file in said additional legal areas if they also hold at least restricted access in the legal area wherein the legal file originates.
    • This field is only visible if there is at least one more legal area.
    • If you assign a legal file to additional legal areas, it is displayed there in the area “Referenced Lega Files”.
  • Additional Legal Areas
    Defines additional legal areas in which the legal file should be referenced.
    Note: This field is only visible if the setting Reference Additional Legal Areas is active.
  • Year
    Contains the year when the legal file was created.
  • Ordinal
    Contains the ordinal that the legal file was assigned upon creation in the legal area.
  • State
    Defines the state of the legal file.
    Note: Members holding full access rights to the legal area can define the default value of the field State of new contracts in the properties in the “Administration” tab of a legal area.
  • Legal File Type
    Defines the legal file type.
    Note: It is recommended to create legal file types in accordance with the instructions in chapter ”Contract Manager File Types“ in case you may need a new legal file type.
  • Subject
    Defines the subject of the legal file.
  • Terms
    Defines terms for tagging the legal file.
    If there already are terms, you can select them. You can also create new terms that are stored in the default thesaurus (see chapter “Default Thesaurus“).
  • Choose Terms
    Opens a dialog to select terms from the default thesaurus to tag the request (see chapter “Default Thesaurus“).
  • Internal Editor
    Defines a member as an internal editor for the legal file. The internal editor receives change access to the legal file and its documents. Furthermore, reminder e-mails are sent to the internal editor by default.
    Note: The member defined in the field Internal Editor must be assigned a role in the superordinate legal area.
  • E-Mail Address
    Defines the e-mail address of the internal editor.
  • Internal Purchaser
    Defines a member as an internal purchaser for the legal file. The internal purchaser receives change access to the legal file and its documents. Furthermore, reminder e-mails are sent to the internal editor by default.
    Note: The member defined in the field Internal Purchaser must be assigned a role in the superordinate legal area.
  • E-Mail Address
    Defines the e-mail address of the internal purchaser.
  • Internal Responsible
    Defines a member as an internal responsible for the legal file. The internal responsible receives read access to the legal file and its documents. If there is no member defined in the field Internal Responsible, reminder e-mails are sent to the internal responsible by default.
    Note: The member defined in the field Internal Responsible must be assigned a role in the superordinate legal area.
  • E-Mail Address
    Defines the e-mail address of the internal responsible.

Note: Some of these properties are only available in an existing legal file.

Tab “Dates

  • Signing Date
    Contains the date on which the legal file was signed.
  • Signing Date Remarks
    Contains notes on the date of signature.

Tab “Roles

  • Internal Role
    Sets the internal role as free text.
  • Internal Signers
    Defines one or more internal signers for the legal files. The order in which the internal signers are entered later corresponds to that in the signing process.
    Note: If the available internal signers have been restricted on the legal area, only these signers will be available as well. Changes will only affect new legal acts.
  • Internal Signer 1
    Sets the first internal signer.
  • Function
    Sets the function of the first internal signer as free text.
  • Internal Signer 2
    Sets the second internal signer.
  • Function
    Sets the function of the second internal signer as free text.
  • External Role
    Sets the external role as free text.
  • External Signers
    Defines one or more external signers for the legal files. The order in which the external signers are entered later corresponds to that in the drawing process.
  • External Signer 1
    Sets the first external signer.
  • Function
    Sets the function of the first external signer as free text.
  • External Signer 2
    Sets the second external signer.
  • Function
    Sets the function of the second external signer as free text.

Tab “Assignments

This tab contains a list of all available assignment targets. By default, you can select one entry each (see chapter “Assignment Targets“).
Note: This tab is only visible if at least one assignment is managed in the superordinate legal area.

Tab “Documents“

This tab contains a list you can add documents to the legal file.

Tab “Remarks“

  • Enter Remark
    Allows adding remarks.
  • Add Attachments
    Allows adding attachments.

Tab “Internal Remark“

  • Enter Internal Remark
    Allows adding internal remarks.
  • Add Attachments
    Allows adding attachments.

Tab “Canceled Documents“

This tab contains a list of all canceled documents in this legal file. It is only visible if there are canceled documents in the legal file.

Creating a Legal FilePermanent link for this heading

In order to create a new legal file, proceed as follows:

  1. In the contract manager dashboard, click the “Create Legal File” action.
    • This action is only visible if there is at least one legal area in the contract manager configuration.
    • You can directly create a legal file inside a legal area as well. In this case, the create dialog will already display a reference legal area and the setting Reference Additional Legal Areas is visible.
  2. If there are templates available for this object type, a selection dialog is displayed. Select the desired entry from the list.
    Note: Check the settings of the legal area if you cannot find a template that you need (see chapter “Restricting Templates“).
  3. In the field Legal Area, select the legal area where the new legal file is stored.
    Note: If the legal file is created in the contract manager dashboard and there are several legal areas, then, initially, only the field Legal Area is visible.
  4. If the legal file is to be referenced in other legal areas, activate the option Reference Additional Legal Areas and select the desired legal areas in field Additional Legal Areas.
  5. In the field State, define the desired state of the legal file.
  6. Optionally, select a legal file type.
    Selecting a (custom-made) legal file type may cause changes to and/or add further tabs to the current dialog (see chapter “Contract Manager File Types“).
  7. Optionally, tag the legal file by selecting entries in the field Terms or via the button Choose Terms.
    Note: This field and button are only visible if at least one term is available in the default thesaurus (see chapter “Default Thesaurus“).
  8. Optionally, if you want to define assignments, switch to the tab “Assignments“ and make the desired settings (see chapters “Assignments“ and/or “Defining an Assignment“).
  9. Add any further desired metadata.
    Note: Depending on the settings defined in the legal area (see chapter “Settings“), further fields may be required or hidden. These settings can be overwritten, depending on the properties of a legal file type (see chapter “Contract Manager File Types“).
  10. Click on “Next”.

The request will be automatically given a name that contains the ID of the contract manager list, the year of creation, a sequential number, and (if available) the subject of the legal files.


  • You can create a legal file via an import as well (see chapter “Imports”)
  • If you have configured the use of structural thesauri in the contract manager configuration, this may change the create dialog. Further information can be found in chapter “Structural Thesauri“.
  • By default, members with restricted access or read access cannot create requests. However, this setting can be activated in the corresponding legal area (see chapter “Creating a Legal Area“).

Reassigning a Legal FilePermanent link for this heading

Reassigning legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Reassigning a Contract“).

Canceling/Deleting/Restoring a Legal FilePermanent link for this heading

Canceling, deleting and restoring legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Canceling/Deleting/Restoring a Contract“).

Defining Recipients for Reminder E-MailsPermanent link for this heading

Defining a recipient for reminder e-mails in legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Defining Recipients for Reminder E-Mails“).

Defining a RolePermanent link for this heading

Defining roles in legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Defining a Role“).

Defining an AssignmentPermanent link for this heading

Defining an assignment in legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Defining an Assignment“).

Managing RetentionPermanent link for this heading

Setting or removing a legal hold and defining a retention period in legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Managing Retention“).

Adding a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

In order to add documents to a legal file, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate into the desired legal file and then into the area “Documents”.
  2. Add documents by uploading them into the list (e.g. via drag-and-drop).
  3. Alternatively, you can directly create a document in a request by clicking “Add entry”.


  • You must add at least one document to the legal file before the „Start Signature Process“ action is available. For more information, see chapter 13 „Signatures“.
  • If you have specified an entry in the field Default Document Category for Documents in the legal area on the “Administration” tab, the corresponding document category will be added as part of this process.
  • Several documents can also be uploaded at the same time. There you can decide whether the documents should be registered individually or together. When registering, for example the document category or subject can be entered. When registering together, the settings are then used for all documents.
  • Other options for adding documents to legal files are available. For more information, see chapter 14 “Imports”.

Adding a RemarkPermanent link for this heading

Adding a remark in legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter 9.17 “Adding a Remark”).

Adding an Internal RemarkPermanent link for this heading

Adding an internal remark to legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Adding an Internal Remark“).

Setting up a Confidential RoomPermanent link for this heading

Setting up a confidential room in legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter Setting up a Confidential Room).

Setting up an External RoomPermanent link for this heading

Setting up an external room in legal files is equivalent to contracts (see chapter “Setting up an External Room”).

Creating a Contract From a Legal FilePermanent link for this heading

In order to create a new contract from a legal file and to link the two files, proceed as follows:

  1. Inside the legal file, click the action “Create Contract”.
  2. Enter all desired metadata.
    If necessary, follow the instructions in chapter “Creating a Contract“.
  3. Click on “Next”.

The contract and the legal file now refer to each other.

Note: If you have configured the use of structural thesauri in the contract manager configuration, this may change the create dialog. Further information can be found in chapter “Structural Thesauri“.