2025 February Release

Fabasoft Contracts 2024 December ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in Fabasoft Contracts.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user, you can expect the following new features.

User Configuration for Handling the Duplicated E-Mail Attachments When UploadingPermanent link for this heading

The user can now specify how the duplicated E-Mail attachments are handled, when registering (uploading) new E-Mails with attachments in the contract/legal file/request documents. The existing options are “Add” to add the duplicated attachments, “Replace” to replace the existing objects with the new ones, “Skip” to ignore the duplicated objects and “Selection During Upload” to ask the user how to handle the duplicated objects when uploading.

Inherit Read Permissions of Internal Responsible Contacts to subordinate contractsPermanent link for this heading

Administrators can activate the option in the contract manager configuration so that read permissions for internal responsible contacts are also valid for subordinate contracts. If the option is activated and persons or groups are entered as internal responsible contacts for a contract, these persons receive read permissions for all subordinate contracts of this contract. This includes subordinate contracts that are in contract lists for which the internal responsible contacts otherwise only have Restricted Access.